Blurred lips are perfectly imperfect. Here's how to copy this trend. (Image Credit: Instagram/mirrortwin)
One facet of makeup that I think everyone is too strung up on is preciseness.
Sure, I appreciate the artistry of a perfectly cut crease, or whatever, but isn’t that more for showing off purposes than any actual aesthetic reason? Or maybe I’m just a huge oaf. Either way, I like smudges and blurs and applying makeup with my hands like a cavewoman.
And nowhere do I think this looks cuter than all over the mouth. It’s like a fun combo of the “snog lips” seen on the Preen runway, with a hint of natural-looking-ish overdrawing, all toned down in a way where you can actually wear it without getting stared at (unless you want to wear it smudged all over your chin, in which case, more power to you). It makes your mouth look plumper in a natural, non-Juvadermed way (pretty), plus makes it look like you’ve just been making out (further proof you are pretty — as if you needed it). And it requires next to no technical skill, just two shades of lipstick, a tiny little brush and one working human finger. Read on!
Here I am before, looking suspiciously like someone with no mouth at all.
First things first, whack on a lipstick of your choice. The best formula is something matte yet somewhat movable, to aid smudging. I love the Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvets for this purpose, but if you have problems with liquid formulae (though I promise and swear the Bourjois are amazingly comfortable), try a matte traditional bullet lipstick. Pick a shade vaguely close to your natural naked lip — this one is Nude-ist.
First, paint it onto your mouth — I’m confident in saying you probably know how to do this. Luckily, you don’t have to be too neat, because you’re about to get messy.
Take a tiny little brush — the best I’ve found for this purpose is the one that comes free with the Maybelline Gel Eyeliner. It’s small but not very tapered, meaning if you work it back and forth, it’s really good at diffusing colour without smudging everything too far apart and turning it into a too-close approximation of the Preen look. Go sort of along, rather than outside, your natural lip line.
You should be left with a cute lil' flushed mouth, like a cherub.
OK next, take a slightly darker color in a similar formula. Mine is Plum Plum Girl from the same Bourjois range. Tap a little bit in the center of your mouth. You’ll look like you’ve just sucked some blood: cute!
Then, with the smudger brush of before, work the darker shade into the middle of your lip. You want there to be as smooth a transition between the colors as possible, so blend until they appear to fade into each other. You can add more of the darker color if you want the look to be more dramatic.
To make sure the smudge is as seamless as possible, once you’re done with brush work, tap over your whole lip with a clean finger. This should also help set the colors down, preserving your hard work.
Your final touch for ultimate pouty-smudgy-mouth is highlight on the cutest of all the body parts, your cupid’s bow. My favorite for this purpose is the RMS Beauty Living Luminizer, which is a glossy, greasy, iridescent cream. I think it looks more natural than a beaming metallic powder. Just tap on with a clean finger.
And, done! A statement lip look that requires minimal technical skill and yet references a ridiculously unwearable, pretentious “fashion” trend. And yet, somehow still looks cool ‘n’ pretty, right? Sometimes, I truly amaze myself.